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Don't forget where your home is... - RAQUEL

25 September, 2021

I like to think about how things are together, if you pay attention, you will see that we are all very alike. Anywhere you can see a dream that never dies, words unspoken, people belonging to the world. Perhaps I’m just too hopeful, but I really believe we can be humanity again, real human beings.
I don't know if anyone will read this, but if anyone does, please don’t forget where your home is, not your homeland, or your country, but Earth, she is our home. We already have enough proof that we don’t have much time left. We don’t need more weapons, machines or anything like that, we need kindness, our cleverness makes us blind, our greed has led us to a place where everything hurts, a place where the eyes can’t see. We have forgotten what truly matters. I don’t care if something happens and someone kills me for that, but I’m not going to stay quiet while our Mother dies fighting alone, what good is it to be alive if we can't be true with our nature.
Please don't give up on us, don’t give up the people that fight for this world, give us a chance, believe in us, and we may be the ones that will save this place, rather than kill it.