I always try to know all I can about the things I love. That is probably why after taking a liking to some international music I learned the lyrics by myself, but I wanted to know more than just the meaning of the songs I liked. So I tried different ways like watching movies and TV shows, or making little one-sided conversations and that got my father's attention. He wanted to help me learn, so after some searching he found the perfect school for me to learn from. The thing is, I was much more shy than I am now and I got there a little late in the book. All the students knew each other so in my first class, I will admit, I was so nervous I barely spoke. So later that day I talked to my sister, who is way better at expressing herself, she took me to the school where I could speak to my teacher alone, and she helped me to an extent that she doesn’t know, reminding me about what my goal was, so the next class, a little more confident, I tried participating, asking question and speaking with the others students so with time I felt more at home in the classes, and each teacher I had helped me learn so many things. I am so grateful for all of them, because with them learning English couldn't be more fun and easy. They truly are the best.
Gabriela Georgea Vieira