Isle Logotipo


Ilhas de conhecimento


04 January, 2022

Essa é uma história com o seu final, nossa turma de segunda-feira a tarde estava inspirada! :)

NAME: Scarlett
AGE: 15 years old
red hair, green eyes,average height

she is athletic, intelligent, beautiful

Something is happening.
Close to my house.
Something is getting close.
I’ll check if she speaks.

She is weird.
with a face a little strange.
She is getting close.
So, she speaks…
Her name is Scarlett.
She is 15, green eyes, red hair, she is beautiful as the moon.
She is athletic and intelligent.
She got lost.
She looks scared and confused, because she is rich and she is in a different place.
The idea of being lost was getting her crazy.
“- I was sleeping and somehow I am here now.”

Qual o seu final?

Isle students - Language Lovers!